Elderly Services




In-Person lunches return to the Cheshire Senior Center as of May 4th, 2023 and will be served on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11:40am. Reservations must be made by Friday of the week prior by 12:00pm by calling 203-272-0047. There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per meal. Click here for the monthly lunch menu.



Social Services provides information and runs support groups for caregivers as well as providing social support, investigative, and referral services to our seniors. Social Services also assists with Medicare Counseling (CHOICES), Energy Assistance, Renters Rebate, Long Term Planning, Application Completion and Navigation of Community Based Services.  The Social Worker also works with Crisis Intervention or the Police Department in situations that require such intervention.  For more information contact the Social Services at 203-272-8286.


One on one counseling on Medicare the national health insurance program for: People 65 years of age and older, certain persons under the age of 65 who are disabled and those who have end stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring a transplant or dialysis). For additional information go to www.medicare.gov or www.shiphelp.org 


Medicare Savings Program(MSP): Pays the Medicare Part B premium for eligible Connecticut Medicare Beneficiaries, gives qualified individuals Medicare Supplemental coverage and automatically qualifies individuals for the Low Income Subsidy program.  MSP eligibility is based on Gross Income. Click here for more information and an application to this program.

Medicare Supplemental Policies and Medicare Advantage Plans: Medicare does not cover 100% of a medical event. Consequently, many beneficiaries choose to purchase a Medicare Supplemental Policy or Medicare Advantage Plan to cover all or a portion of these remaining expenses. In order to be eligible for a Medicare Supplemental Policy or Medicare Advantage Plan you must be enrolled in Medicare A & B. Click here for the most up to date rate chart.

Medicaid: The Medicaid program provides for remedial, preventive, and long term medical care for the income eligible aged, blind or disabled. Individuals who meet both the income and asset eligibility criteria are eligible for Medicaid. The program objectives are supported by certain key services provided to recipients both in the community and in long term placement. "Home and community-based care" waivers allow for the provision of certain non-medical services in order to avoid more costly institutionalization of individuals. Click here for more information and applications to this program.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, is a nutrition program that helps low-income individuals and families buy food. SNAP also provides education about nutrition to help recipients choose foods that enhance their health and well being. Click here to learn more about the SNAP program or to apply.

Outreach Services: The Cheshire Senior Center offers outreach services to the town’s older population. The program is designed to fill some of the gaps in services experienced by older individuals. Social Services will assist with counseling services on financial matters, insurance forms, benefit programs, caregiver resources, medical bills and other areas of concern. Social Services also has a telephone reassurance program which is designed to provide outreach services to older individuals needing additional supports.  Outreach services are confidential and free of charge. For more information contact Social Services at 203-272-8286.



The Senior and Transportation Services Department offers Elderly and Disabled Transportation for medical appointments, grocery & pharmacy shopping, personal appointments and senior center programs. Transportation for out-of-town doctor appointments is also available on a limited basis (see schedule below). Senior Transportation Service is available to residents over the age of 55 or those over 21 years of age who are either temporarily or permanently disabled; all four buses are lift-equipped to handle wheelchairs and individuals that have trouble with steps. Riders make a suggested donation of $1.00 for in-town service and $3.00 for out-of-town service per each entrance on the van.

Out of Town Medical Transportation Ride Availability Schedule:

Rides are accepted for out of town appointments between 10:00am and 2:00pm

Monday - Meriden Tuesday - North Haven & Hamden
Wednesday - Wallingford
Thursday - New Haven & West Haven VA
Friday - Southington & Waterbury Outpatient VA Clinic

Arrangements for rides can be made by calling 203-272-0047 at least twenty-four hours in advance.

ADA REQUIREMENTS:     Section 5310 Policies Regarding Service Animals, Passengers Traveling with Respirators or Portable Oxygen, and Passengers without a Mobility Devices wishing to use the Lift to Board the Vehicle, please click   HERE.

Any questions or concerns regarding our Transportation Services,
please contact:
Coleen Bankowski
Cheshire Senior Center
240 Maple Avenue
Cheshire, CT  06410 
[email protected]

Title VI Policy

Title VI is a Federal statute and provides that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal funding.


Title VI objectives include, but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring that the level and quality of public transportation service is provided in a nondiscriminatory matter.
  • Promoting full and fair participation in public transportation decision-making without regard to race, color, or national origin.
  • Ensuring meaningful access to transit-related programs and activities by persons with limited English proficiency.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please contact the Cheshire Senior Center at 203-272-8286 or [email protected] or [email protected] to discuss and address these concerns.

Notificiation of Rights for the Title VI Policy please click HERE

For the full Title VI Policy please click HERE.

For the full Title VI Complaint Procedure, please click HERE

For the full Title VI Complaint Form, please click


Free transportation is available to seniors and disabled adults every Friday of the month through the Greater Waterbury Transit District Dial-A-Ride. Passengers may go anywhere in Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Watertown, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Prospect and Thomaston between 9:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. Appointments must be made at least three days in advance. This is a great opportunity to go shopping, out to dinner or visit a friend.

Please call 203 272-0047 for an application to apply for this service.




This service is available when all occupants of the residence are 70 years of age or physically disabled.  Each resident of the household must provide:

  • Proof of age with a birth certificate or valid Connecticut driver’s license OR

  • Certification from a health care provider.

Applications are available from the Public Works Department (203 271-6650). The Director of Public Works must approve each application.

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