Revaluation Information and FAQ's

Revaluation Information and FAQ's
Posted on 03/23/2023
The Town of Cheshire has begun the first phase of the revaluation process for real property.  Representatives from eQuality Valuation Services, LLC will be physically visiting and inspecting properties with open building permits. In Phase II which is expected to begin next week, all property owners will receive and be asked to complete and return data mailers with details such as style of house, room count and special features.

Vehicle information for the inspectors from the revaluation company is available from the Assessor or the Town Manager’s offices and has also been provided to the Cheshire Police Department.  All inspectors will have an ID badge.  Please contact the Assessor’s office if you have any questions or concerns regarding an inspector.

This state-mandated town wide revaluation will determine assessments for the October 1, 2023 Grand List which will be reflected in the July 2024 tax bills.  It is not mandatory for residents to allow the inspectors access.  However, since the data they are collecting is vitally important to the accuracy and uniformity of the assessments, cooperation is greatly appreciated.  The data collection phase of this revaluation will continue through September 2023.

The goal of revaluation is to estimate the current, fair market value of every property in towns throughout Connecticut every five years.  The assessment reflects 70% of this fair market value.  Once the new assessments have been determined, a notice will be mailed indicating the previous assessment and the new assessment, updated to reflect changes that have occurred in the real estate market in the past five years.  An appeals process is available.  Property owners should note that an increase in assessment does not necessarily mean a comparable increase in taxes; tax bills will be set based upon the FY 24-25 adopted mill rate.

To view revaluation frequently asked questions, please click here. Further revaluation questions can be directed to the Assessor’s office at 203-271-6620.

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